Page 3 - Reviews - Good Day Chocolate, Energy Supplement, 8 Pieces - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on May 31, 2023
Posted on Jul 13, 2022
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Rewarded Review
Posted on Dec 17, 2023
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Rewarded Review
Auto-translated from Ukrainian

✔️1. Eat environmentally friendly products. It seems obvious, but it is absolutely vital to our health. Environmentally friendly products are useful. When we eat them, they make our body healthy. It really is that simple. Environmentally friendly products are mainly not processed or made with the help of mechanisms: fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals. Try to develop a habit of eating one apple a day. Keep a bag of nuts in the car and snack on the way home. ✔️2. Watch your posture. Everyone has their own posture, but there is such a thing as "correct posture". Assess your posture. Do you slouch? Do you walk with your head down? Imagine that someone has tied a string to the back of your head and is pulling it (no, they are not going to hang you). Do the same with your posture: pull your shoulders back, push your chest forward, stretch your neck and breathe. Try to monitor your posture throughout the day and correct yourself as soon as you notice. ✔️3. Change your eating habits. We all need to eat. By the time you become an adult, eating becomes a habit. However, small changes in your daily eating habits can have long-term effects on your health. Do you usually eat toast for breakfast? Try blueberry banana porridge instead. Do you usually drink coffee with two servings of cream and four pieces of sugar? Try it with two servings of cream and one piece of sugar. Slowly change your eating habits in a healthier direction, and before you know it, you'll be feeling much healthier. ✔️4. Meditate. This does not mean that you should become a monk and spend the rest of your life in spiritual education. Collect your thoughts. Spend a couple of minutes quieting your mind. Breathe deeply and relax your whole body. You can try this in the morning (before stretching) or before you go to bed. Even a lunch break is good for meditation. ✔️5. Avoid the feeling of overeating. The goal of eating should not be to fill yourself up. This is an uncomfortable condition, and it is harmful to health. If overeating is your usual feeling, just try eating slightly smaller portions. It's normal to feel a little hungry after eating. You will not die. The worst that will happen is a slight feeling of hunger before the next meal. Science has proven that there are many benefits to eating fewer calories, so trying not to overeat doesn't mean you have to practice fasting. ✔️6. Consider physical discomfort as a mini-workout. If you have to drag a heavy box to another room, consider it a mini workout. If you can't find a suitable parking space nearby and have to walk longer than usual, consider it a mini cardio workout. Many physical discomforts can be considered an opportunity to improve your health. Instead of complaining, think better how it makes you stronger and healthier.